Infinity Luxury Woven Vinyl to see the SPECIALS click the Image

Marine Berber Carpets click image below

Infinity Luxury Woven Vinyl & Marideck Vinyl click image below

Shipping & Returns


We can ship almost anything to virtually any address in the world. If you need an international shipping quote, please Contact Us.

Replacement Carpet Sets (vinyl or carpet) will ship within 10-12 business days. 

20 oz. Pre-Cut carpet sets will ship within 3-4 business days. 

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened, unused items in original packaging within 30 days of delivery (please note the exceptions below). On items where refunds are accepted, there is a 10% restocking fee, unless the buyer is returning due to an error on our part. Shipping costs will not be refunded. If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions on how to return items from your order.

Items that may not be returned:

Minn Kota Electrical Components - We do not accept returns on Minn Kota electrical items.  All Minn Kota electrical items are tested first by the manufacturer and a second time before leaving our warehouse. Since they are tested twice, the chance of the items being inoperative is highly unlikely. These electrical items are sensitive and they are easily burned. Returned boards that are burned will NOT be refunded. Minn Kota does not refund us for burned electrical items as they were in working condition when the item shipped from Minn Kota. If you have any installation questions, please contact us BEFORE installing. We are a Minn Kota Authorized Service Center and we are happy to help you.      
Custom Cut Carpet Orders - No refunds or exchanges will be made on any custom cut carpet orders.  
Hydro Turf Custom Cut Jet Boat Mats - No refunds or exchanges will be made on any custom cut mat (rear/front) orders.
Sea Dek Custom Cut Boat/Kayak Orders - No Refunds or exchanges will be made on any custom cut orders.
Returns are not accepted for carpet color discrepancies. If you are attempting to color match, please request a sample before purchasing.